About me

My name is Olly and I am a 14 year old fishing enthusiast. I have been fishing since I was three years old and my passion continues to grow stronger. 

My vision is to provide the fishing community with a quality product at a great price. 

More recently, I have been thinking about the impact that fishing tackle has on the environment. Soft plastic lures are a popular choice for anglers and to do my small bit to help reduce waste, I offer my customers a recycling program. 

My recycling program provides a return postage satchel with every order over $75, The idea is that customers will be able to hold onto their chewed and damaged lures rather than throwing them out into the water or into landfill, and send them back to me to re-melt into new lures for them. 

I am also in the process of looking for local bait and tackle shops to store a donation box, for anyone to donate their broken and chewed soft plastic lures. These lures would be sorted through and then re-melted to produce new recycled lures to donate to local fishing groups and schools who do fishing for sport. 

I absolutely love fishing and I love sharing my passion with others. Keeping our waterways clean and marine life safe, is important for the future!